James Williams

It has been a good week

Lots has happened in the last week:

  • My demo of the SwingXBuilder got me a crapload of hits.

  • I've been dugg...no it wasn't me or anyone I know...honest...

  • I finally received the special start of coding gift from Leslie Hawthorne et al... I would love to tell y'all what it is but we have been sworn to secrecy until June 4th. I can tell you that it is signed copy of a totally appropriate book.

  • I decided that I'm going to BarCamp Chicago and very likely presenting my work on the Groovy SwingXBuilder. It'll motivate me to really work since I've been a little lazy the past couple of weeks. I haven't been to Chicago in years and the last time I was, I was earning a slave's wage babysitting and teaching little geeks 14 hours a day[I taught at Computer camp]. So why would anyone travel over a thousand miles from Florida to Illinois for an un-conference? Simple, BarCamp Jacksonville[FL] and Orlando are still in the planning phases, Miami already took place, and Chicago is much cooler than Albany. It'll also be good practice and open my eyes to different perspectives that I may have not thought of.

    Got any ideas for demos?

    Edit: The suprise gift was Producing Open Source Software by Karl Vogel.

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