James Williams

SwingXBuilder update my ears must have been burning

Tags: SwingX

I guess my ears must've been burning and I didn't notice it. Wednesday night, I decided to update the SwingX jars I was using because the ones I had were from a build in late April. So I do it and I get another idea. Why not merge the SwingXBuilder with main line since I now am getting a feel for how things should work? The manner I coded in, that is, to start anew and slowly mixing in proven and unproven code was just to get a better feel for how builders work but The plan had always been to subclass or merge. Besides some irreplaceable masterpiece, isn't it always better the second time around?

So on Thursday, I subclassed SwingBuilder and overrided the methods that have SwingX specific stuff. I would have been done quicker if I had realized that if a Groovy class is to override a Java class, the Groovy class must be typed. So now, my class is more concise and I don't have to re-implement the new cool stuff in BETA such as the container widget. The unit tests combined the ones in mainline and mine; it all passes. So now that it is backward compatible with SVN HEAD, go ahead and use it. The one checked in Subversion was built with 1.1-Beta-2 on Java6, so if you aren't running this, make sure you have Gant.

If there is sufficient demand, I could be convinced to back-port to v1.0.

Feel free to email me with any issues or problems: james.l.williams@gmail.com

Note: The widget registry in the SwingBuilder uses a HashMap. As such, the SwingX components override the classic Swing versions. This shouldn't be a problem since the ones that exist in both are inherited. I don't see a reason someone would explicitly use the classic Swing version of a widget over the SwingX version, given the chance.I should be updating the wiki sometime in the next week to let y'all know what is stable and what isn't.

Oh yeah, supposedly if your ears are burning someone is talking about you(according to the old expression). I checked Google Analytics and noticed Andres Almiray linked to me. That's all for now.

Ayez un bon week-end!

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