James Williams

SwingX News

Tags: SwingX

My webhost was having DB issues last week so that's why some of you might have gotten error pages. Anyways...

BarCamp is this week and I'm super excited to get out of Florida into slightly cooler weather. Last Saturday, it hit 90 degrees before 11AM. I think that's like 30 or 32 degrees for you Centigrade folks. I'm also looking forward to meeting fellow minded geeks.

So that this isn't a total fluff piece, and so that the aggregator picks it up, more Groovy SwingXBuilder demos are coming. I've been cramming to get stuff done so watch this space next week, I'll start putting stuff up. Due to BarCamp, the builder is basically in feature freeze until Monday save fixes, stuff from v1.0, and whatever I might need for a demo. Scott and Andres, thanks for the feedback.

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