James Williams

SwingXBuilder update

Tags: SwingX

All's been relatively quiet on the SwingXBuilder front. There has been a little bit going on though.

In an effort to have a full-fledged Groovy SwingX application, I've started working on a note-taking application like Tomboy. For the time being, its working title is GroovyNote. Instead of using XML files, I'm using Derby with a JPA middle-layer so that Groovy can manipulate plain objects and not deal with messy SQL calls, though Groovy SQL isn't that bad really.

The remaining demo app from BarCamp which interfaces with 30Boxes is being rewritten. Some things were hard-coded in, some features are being added, and the Glossitope code is being taken out. Previously it was only able to view events and todos but not manage them.

My linux partition had issues after I had backed it up to try Foresight Linux. It seems the PnP bios is hosed so it'll run but sound and video won't work. I had originally thought it was a Foresight issue but it stayed when I reinstalled Ubuntu. So I'm stuck in Windows land for the time being. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed by the kernel and I'll just tough it out until Gusty comes out in October.

I've accepted an invitation to give a presentation in August at my local Java User Group here in Tampa. I did want to go to another BarCamp that month as well, having had a blast at my first but there aren't any in FL and the ones that are worth flying to are only a day long, thus requiring a hotel stay($$$). Maybe BarCampDC will get more organized by then. I have fam close by.

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