James Williams

Sun tech evangelist Netbeans will be getting first-class Groovy support

Tags: Groovy

On Weds, July 18th, Gregg Sporar came to the Tampa Java Users Group and gave a presentation on NB 5.5.1 and some glances at NB 6.0 M10. During the talk, he mentioned several times of how the improvements were about bringing NB up to speed with the other IDEs. I couldn't resist asking during the Q&A session when Groovy support in Netbeans will be brought up to speed with IntelliJ(ie code completion and Grails).

He mentioned Project Schliemann which can be used to add basic language support as a stopgap. He added that Tor Norbye(of Java Posse fame and referred to in the talk as the guy who added Ruby support) will be taking the lessons learned and adding Groovy first class Groovy support. There was no roadmap or time frame given other than after NB 6. Tor has been mum on the topic on the Java Posse. The most interesting point for me was that he said several people in the company questioned the motive behind adding Ruby support before Groovy support...So it seems we weren't alone.

Clarification from Gregg: " The intent is to leverage the work that Tor has done - whether Tor ends up doing that work or not is unknown to me. For more insight, check out the interview Roman and I recently did with Tor."

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