James Williams

Gaming-The Next Frontier for Groovy

Tags: Groovy Gaming

Create a new programming language. Check. Build a web framework around it and expand into the business app space. Check. Found a company to support the language and drive development. Check. What's next?

Gaming. No, it's not a typo. Hear me out at least. One of the editors at JavaLobby declared October to be Java Gaming month. It got me thinking, is there any reason why Groovy couldn't be used for a game with a decent framework like LWJGL or jME? I know, I know. Speed, you'll say. I'll concede that Groovy does have some metaobject protocol issues but you are planning to use a decent timer and not iterate from one to ten thousand, right? While obviously not the best choice for something like a first person shooter, Groovy could fit well in the casual gaming market space. The games in this genre aren't usually GPU-intensive and being able to let your users add objects and extend them with closures is quite compelling. I see Groovy's ideal spot as a scripting extension to a current Java framework. Just a little bit to thing about...

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