James Williams

On Making a Grails-Powered Blog

Tags: Groovy Grails

People often tell say "you get what you pay for," but a lot of times, you don't even get that. Or at least that has been the case with my current webhost. I've had more downtime than on the free service I "upgraded" from. Since it's inevitable that I'm moving, I decided to move to a Java host and build my blog with the features I want.

Setting up the backend stuff was much simpler than I thought, especially the ability to add multiple URL mappings. The initial design will sport a hopefully swappable ZK frontend, comments moderation, and an admin console, just enough to make it worthwhile to do from scratch.

In other news: As of Nov 16th, I am officially an alum of the Google Summer of Code. I received my t-shirt, certificate of participation, and a couple stickers. In lieu of the stickers, I would have preferred a cool pen or notebook...

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