James Williams

2G Experience, Day Two

Tags: Groovy

Graeme's talk on Empowering Spring with Groovy DSLs, although mostly targeted toward the Spring BeansBuilder, provided lots of insight into EMC and MOP.

I also attended Andres' talk which unfortunately was scheduled in the same slot as several Grails talks so all interested parties might not have been able to attend. The code is available now:


Warning, it is a work in progress but what's there works. Andres and I built the domain model based upon the REST tutorials in the grails online documentation(http://grails.org/doc/1.0.x/guide/13.%20Web%20Services.html#13.1%20REST).

The main reasons for using REST are:

  1. It is easy to wire up and get running, and
  2. XmlSlurper and XmlParser

I did look into other transmission types like XFire, SOAP, and XML-RPC but a REST-like service was the easiest path. The client side is a combination of the various builders and components from SwingXBuilder, JideBuilder, and ObjectGraphBuilder and also uses Glazed Lists.

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