James Williams

2G Experience, Day Three

Tags: Groovy

Day three has been much more chill and laid-back. I am somewhat disappointed to only have have found a Chili's next to the hotel with much cheaper drinks last night.

Alex's (Popescu) talk really delved in regular SQL. It went really in depth to the models and solutions offered by Groovy. Though mapping to Hibernate is not difficult at all, I'll probably continue to use groovy.sql.Sql in my one-off export and update scripts.

I had a quick chat with Glen about my Google Chart plugin before his talk on Extreme Grails UI Makeover. Great guy. Someone mentioned that they wonder why we (Americans) always get foreign guys do extreme UI makeovers. I think it's because we like listening to the accents and the potential for double entendres. I would have to say Glen's talk was one of the most entertaining.

Jason Rudolph's Refactotum was plagued by the not-so great (awful) bandwidth at the hotel. Despite that, the bits that I saw were good.

There will be another 2GX in early October, forgot the exact dates, in San Jose, CA. There is also a more focused 3-day bootcamp in Denver that will be taught by Scott Davis. 2GX is worth the cost, think of it as a big buffet that you can walk up and down and sample all the offerings or really get to know the stuff in the dessert section.

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