James Williams

Google Chart Plugin-QR Codes

Tags: Grails

I remember back in the day when it was prophesied that we all would be used barcodes for everything in the future. I even vaguely remember one big box store sending out bar code readers (I wanna say it was Staples). Sim chips on credit cards debuted about the same time if I recall correctly. That went no where quickly when folks realized "Hey, maybe it not a good idea to store the CC info for all my other credit cards on the SIM chip of this one." That disconnect between the intended use(quicker/more accurate than swiping) and the Americanized version caused many problems when I tried to use chipped cards in Europe. But I digress...apparently QR codes are making a comeback. Or so it's inclusion in the Google Chart API might indicate. So the Grails plugin has been updated to add this functionality.

btw to all the francophones, Happy Bastille Day!

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