James Williams

Griffon Groks JOGL

Tags: Griffon

With the improvements from the last post, adding JOGL support to Griffon is now incredibly easy. Assuming you have a fairly recent revision from SVN, add the following closure to Config.groovy in the griffon closure:

extensions {
        jarUrls = ["http://download.java.net/media/applet-launcher/applet-launcher.jar", "http://download.java.net/media/jogl/builds/archive/jsr-231-webstart-current/jogl.jar"]
        jnlpUrls = ["http://download.java.net/media/jogl/builds/archive/jsr-231-webstart-current/jogl.jnlp"]

There is a little setup you'll need to do to initialize the canvas:

class JoglDemoController {
    // these will be injected by Griffon
    def model
    def view

    void mvcGroupInit(Map args) {
    model.canvas = new GLCanvas(createCaps())
    model.animator = new Animator(model.canvas)
    model.canvas.addGLEventListener(new Lesson03())

    model.animator = new Animator(model.canvas)

    def createCaps = {
    def glCaps = new GLCapabilities()
    glCaps.with {
    return glCaps

Next, we add our canvas and helper variables to our model and view:

class JoglDemoModel {
   @Bindable canvas
   @Bindable animator
   @Bindable gl


application(title:'jogldemo',  size:[512,384]) {

On our canvas, we use a slightly tweaked Java file from the Nehe examples.

Nehe Lesson 3

Lastly, we need jogl.jar. This will enable run-applet and run-webstart. To get run-app working, you would have to install your specific operating systems native OpenGL libraries(.dll's on Win, .so's on Linux, .jnilib's on OSX). Download jogl.jar and/or OS-specific files.

I used Lesson03 from Nehe mostly unmodified.

Download the project.

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