James Williams

Griffon Guice Plugin

Tags: Griffon

Having come back from StrangeLoop last week and talking to some our users, I've been thinking a lot potential blockers that might be preventing people from using Griffon in their work applications. One is those is probably dependency injection. Why I chose Guice - I detest XML. I like Guice's modules as a non-XML tag soup way to specify classes to be bound. - Guice's footprint is several magnitudes smaller than Spring. The smallest Guice application requires only 600KB of jar dependencies whereas a comparable Spring application would require several megabytes. Our users are already taking a hit for having to get the groovy-all.jar over the wire. I don't want to add to that pain.

Getting Started

Given an app with the Guice plugin installed(**griffon install-plugin guice**), let's start by creating a couple classes in our src/ directory. Below is a Notifier interface and an implementation:


public interface Notifier {
    public void sendMessage(String message);


public class Mail implements Notifier {
    public void sendMessage(String message) {
        println "Sending ${message} by Mail"

As mentioned before, Guice uses Modules instead of XML to specify binding. We can bind our Notifier to the implementation Mail very easily:


import com.google.inject.*

public class GuiceAppModule extends AbstractModule {
    protected void configure() {

Wiring in the Griffon bits

Our plugin does most of the heavy lifting resolving the names of our modules and injecting a Guice injector into the required classes. We just need to give it a few configuration details in griffon-app/conf/Application.groovy. We need to tell Guice where to inject and what modules to inject:

guice {
    injectInto = ["controller"]
    modules = ["GuiceAppModule"]

The last piece is injecting and using our member fields from our controller. In the controller or wherever you deem appropriate, the following will inject the members:


import com.google.inject.*

class GuiceDemoController {
    // these will be injected by Griffon
    def model
    def view
    @Inject Notifier notifier

    void mvcGroupInit(Map args) {
        // this method is called after model and view are injected

When run, the app will print "Sending test by Mail" to the console. The maintainers of Guice caution somewhat against member injection as being less testable. A more traditional constructor-based injection would force Guice to reach below the plugin layer. It's still early days, it might find its way down there anyways.

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