James Williams

NoSQL Live 2010 recap and MongoSF

Tags: MongoDB

Last week, I attended NoSQL Live in Boston. The conference was organized by 10gen and Hashrocket. Besides the normal plights of a conference (wifi), it was really well put together event. Check out the 10gen blog for other posts and media from the event.

Due to a last minute cancellation, I gave a lightning talk titled "Using MongoDB with Groovy." (slideshare) I highlighted how Groovy's metaprogramming and post-Java nature makes it a philosophical match for the post-relational and schemaless nature of MongoDB. Though there was video streaming of the event, a server crash caused those files to be lost. However Christian Scholz recorded MP3s of the event available at the 10gen link above.

10gen has decided to have another one-day conference in San Francisco on April 30th. This time the focus for all sessions will be MongoDB. I will be giving a talk on Java development with MongoDB. You can find out more information here or register for the event here. Early bird pricing of $50 ends on April 9th.

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