James Williams

SpringOne2GX 2010

Tags: Griffon

Due to my procrastinating nature, much of the conference was spend darting between my friends presentations and working on my slides/doing run-throughs. The extra effort made it worth it. Despite starting a couple minutes late because of no mini-DVI cable, the fact that I did two run-throughs that morning helped me roll with the punches and give a better presentation. My demos were:

  • a MongoDB viewer application with GORM-like capabilities
  • a Stock Tracker app ported from Apache Pivot
  • enhancements to griffon-talk to enable advancing slides with websockets
  • and a chat application using web sockets that can display presentation slides

The demos are up on Github here. They have been tested with Griffon 0.9.0. YMMV with 0.9.1.

You can check out the session slides on Slideshare.