Java at MongoSF
As has come to be expected the 10gen-ers have put on a great conference. It's almost like a MongoDB world domination tour with the NoSQL Live in Boston this March, MongoSF and MongoNYC this month and MongoEU this summer. There seemed to be bigger numbers of Ruby and Python devs but that wasn't so surprising given that they tend be early adopters compared to Java devs. Because of that I believe the path to reach Java developers is to show them that they don't have to throw away all their code to use MongoDB. My morning session capitalized on that and used Grails to show how you could quickly wire up persistence using DAOs with Morphia and MongoDB.The afternoon session that was a bit more high level primer for what was covered in the morning.
The schwag was well thought out too. Speakers got really snazzy embroidered MongoDB polos. There was an update of the mugs from NoSQL Live featuring the MongoDB branding on the one side with 10gen branding on the other.
Slides from the conference are here. Videos from the sessions should be coming soon. Check the 10gen blog for updates.
*Java development with MongoDB*
It was also great news to learn that there are several books on MongoDB set to release this fall.