James Williams

Mozilla Labs - Open Web Gaming recap - Part 2

Tags: General

The second half of the night had smaller scale demos and lightning talks. Jono, a Mozilla employee, showed a couple of demos. The first was based around the new touch events in the Firefox 4 beta. He used the touch events with a touchscreen netbook to create a web comic creator. The second was a tile map framework reminiscent of Zelda. He made a call out to the community to try and make it MMO with WebSockets. You can find more information about the events here.

Ari Bader-Natal presented on Studio Sketchpad, a mashup of Etherpad, the collaborative online document system and Processing.js, a 2D graphics library. Studio Sketchpad is interesting because it gives instant gratification. You can tweak an exisiting script and run it. No compilation or setting up a scaffold environment. Ari posted a video of his slides here. You can follow updates at @studiosketchpad .

Matt Claypotch, another Mozilla employee, showed a Labyrinth game wired to use orientation and acceleration events from the browser. You can check out the game here:potch.me/labyrinth. He also demoed a Canvas particle engine that could be used for explosions or gunsmoke, as on the Game On homepage.

The last preso of the night was on Mozilla Rainbow, an addon that exposes a JavaScript API to the webcam and microphone to allow recording audio and video. At the moment, only OS X is supported but Windows and Linux support should be forthcoming.

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