James Williams

Authoring eBooks Review

Tags: General

One of the things since I've started writing the book is that I have been reading more and more. I already read a lot but there is no really preparing for how much research you'll be doing especially with a emerging technology like Canvas 2D and WebGL. I've also found myself reading a lot about the process of writing. Some of it has been about process and motivation and other times it's been just to be cathartic. Authoring EBooks by Jeremy McAnally is firmly in the first column. He is author of Humble Little Ruby Book, Ruby for Practice for Manning, and Rails 3 Upgrade Handbook.

Coming in at a very svelte 109 pages, it is readable in one sitting but packed full of information. Jeremy talks about how to size and target your potential market, tools to write you book, and marketing and sales.

One of the things I appreciated a lot was that Jeremy is an author that didn't have anything handed to him and wasn't an overnight success. One of the issues I've had with books written by people without a solid background in writing or blogging is that though their books have been fun reads, they didn't provide much insight or turn out to be more than a series of anecdotes. Jeremy instead gives you the results of his trials and errors while creating his several books.

The book is priced at $29 for a limited time to be eventually raised to $49. I think the value is about right for $29 if you consider that I've seen books three times as large with not as much content.

Purchase the book here.

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