James Williams

Yet another Moto-Lenovo speculation post

Tags: General

I know what you are thinking, another random guy talks about the doom and gloom of the impending deal. Give me a couple moments, that's not where I'm going. So about three weeks ago, my main personal computer decided to have a HDD and the LCD go bad at the same time(which I thought was just the drive and a driver issue). Replaced drive, screen still wonky but I have an external monitor so I found a way to still use a machine that is the laptop equivalent of a Corvette with the chasis of a Yugo. I decided I could make it along by bringing a much older laptop out of retirement. The plan sort of worked but not optimally. A new laptop would have to be procured and fast for not much money.

My first destination was Lenovo. Their machines are generally very hospitable to Linux, which would be the primary OS for said machine, and their build quality more than makes up for their utilitarian looks. About 8-9 years ago when Lenovo purchased IBM's PC division, I remember people saying the same kinds of things that they are repeating now. People thought the Thinkpad and other IBM lines would go down the tubes. Loss of US jobs. Etc. For the most part, they haven't lost quality. I'll talk more on the jobs bit later. ThinkPad remains a major brand name that people flock to. Arguably the most recognizable outside the MacBook Pro/Macbook Air lines. So I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

As for the argument that Motorola is another US company falling into Chinese hands and that is somehow bad for the US economy, I rather not go there but since others have spewed their xenophobic fears, let's address it for a moment. Fiat(Italy) bought a large slice of Chrysler and will be buying the rest very soon. Factories didn't suddenly close and ship those jobs abroad. Chrysler has enjoyed success under Fiat's stewardship. That success has helped them sustain manufacturing plants here in the US. Toyota, Honda, and Nissan, all foreign owned, have had plants in the US for years. Lenovo already has a distribution plant and a manufacturing plant in the US. The manufacturing plant was opened last year. Motorola had a single US factory with the rest in China and South America. The foothold they have in the US will likely allow them to manufacture/assemble phones at a lower cost than Moto because the costs can be shared with the PC side of the business that is already incurring local manufacturing costs. I think it will be largely business as usual.

I fail to see a reason why they would mess with a formula that's been working well for them.

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